Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Decorating With Grass

Decorating With Grass

We have cleared the land and we are now ready to plant grass. What is grass? It is a living plant carpet which covers the ground for beauty and protection. Decorating with grass is essential for both beauty and function.
Grasses have many benefits:
  1. Attractive decoration surrounding a house
  2. Comfortable when walking with bare feet
  3. Pleasant odor
  4. Adds oxygen to the atmosphere
  5. Supplies oxygen for our bodies
  6. Cools the soil and the environment around buildings
  7. Helps hold garden furniture level
  8. Support for a blanket cover for the picnic setting
  9. Gentle on the knees when playing sports
  10. A play pen for children
Planting grass is the easiest garden one will ever plant and it is low maintenance. Water, fertilizer, and mowing will continue a yard for many years. Grass is unlike any other plant in that it has a long living cycle and does not require a lot of exacting care.
Depending on your landscaping design you may choose to apply seed or sod when starting to decorate a new lawn. The most important foundation is soil preparation. Equip the earth with the nutrients that the chosen seed or sod will need.
Know your growing zone and what grasses will thrive in your area provides added success. The local landscaping or plant stores can advise you or check with your state agricultural department.
Yard care tips:
  1. Fertilize your lawn at appropriate times for the grass which you selected. It is not advisable to fertilize during the months of July and August. It is too hot to force new grass growth during these hot summer months.
  2. Mow the ideal height for grass type. The average height is between 21/2 and 3 inches.
  3. Water deeply a few times a week to support a strong and healthy root system and discourage weed growth.
  4. When working with professional landscapers understand how much work is expected of you. There lies the key to the type of grass you would like in your landscaping design. Ask yourself, "How much work can I do to upkeep my lawn?
  5. Pest control can be a do it yourself ongoing project or hiring a professional pest company may be necessary.
To maintain pest control in our virgin property a professional exterminating company needed to be hired. There were roaches, spiders, mosquitoes, scorpions, and other insects which needed to be removed.
Newly constructed homes receive a preparation of termite control, however, there is no guarantee that the product used by the builders will be satisfactory.
I highly recommend a termite inspection. I have seen the damage which termites can do to a structure. As a homeowner inspections and preventive treatments are a priority and a necessity. Why gamble on your home being destroyed?
Educate yourself by checking with your state or county agricultural services to get recommended grasses and pest management advice.
Discover more information decorating with grass or finding more information on landscaping. Visit the garden section of Infotrish at and review
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